Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Life in the City

Life can pass us by so fast we don’t even know what hit us. One minute your walking down the street to where ever your destination is and people are beside you at all times. Going in the same direction as you at that point, but not necessarily going to make it to the end of the road with you. Some people hail down cabs and you wonder where they’re headed. Someone who was walking beside you wearing a suit slightly turns left and grabs a gold-brass door handle and enter a huge building and you want to know what job he or she has, head executive or an “administrative assistant”. None of us can help our minds wandering on us getting caught up in the moment. And that’s just what it is, a moment, a small one at that in this huge puzzle we try to piece together we call the world. Traffic stops short, why did only that one guy beep? What got him mad today? And that homeless person who is begging for change who gets more money from the government than any of us make at our jobs. What is he spending his money on that’s he’s begging for change? Cops sirens down the block, what happened? I’ll tell you what happened, life is passing you by just like that cab. Just like those people who walk faster then you and cut you off on the sidewalk. Like those people who jay-walk and are across the street down the block and your caught at the light. You can’t help it. its just the cards you were dealt and its not necessarily all in the suit that you wear.

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