Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I have a friend for over 6 years. We used to live up the block from each other and for a time period we were inseperable. But I moved and now she goes away to school. We hardly ever see each other but no matter how long its been since the last time we talked, I can always call her when something goes wrong.Out of everyone I ever met she probably has the biggest heart. She absolutely loves animals. When we were younger she used to wake me up, or at least try, every Sunday to go with her to dog adoption centers. She is now in school to become a Vet. Since I've known her she always knew that was what she wanted to do. I am actually jealous of her for that reason. I am not that passionate about anything. I used to think I wanted to work with children but after my last job at a children's gymnastic place, I realized I don't.
Just a few weeks ago her brother got diagnosed with cancer. I want to be there for her as much as I can, but I don't even know where to start. I constantly call to see how he is doing but I don't feel like that is enough. And since she goes away to school she feels even worse that she can't be here to help him out. I feel so bad for her brother. He should have been graduating this May, but now he obviously is unable to. This only shows that the worst things only happen to the best of people.

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