Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Young Love <3

I just heard of a teenage relationship that makes me feel like I have the greatest boyfriend. Personally I think that a relationship should be about caring, support and loyalty. When I have a problem or when I just need someone to comfort me when I am feeling down I run to my boyfriend. My relationship isn't perfect, we fight here and there, but my boyfriend never makes me feel pathetic or embarrassed about our relationship. I never have to hide the things that he says or does to me from my friends because they would look at me in shame.
A story I was told the other day is a perfect example of an unhealthy relationship. A girl is in love with her boyfriend, she runs and jumps when he tells her to. When he doesn't have money for food she not only pays for it but will pick it up and bring it to where ever he is. You would think that he would truthly cherish her and realize how lucky he is to have found her. But you would have thought wrong. Instead he cheats on her any chance he gets and he doesn't even try to hide it. He doesn't tell her out of guilt, he just knows that she will be there no matter what he does. He verbally abuses her in public, to the point where other people feel uncomfortable about the situation. And when she finally break up with him he somehow reverses the situation and she is left begging for him back.
But I think the real winner in this whole relationship was something that was done a few weeks ago. It turns out that he went out one night and told her he was home and to come over later. So she went about her night waiting for his call. She was driving around with a friend and seen her boyfriend in a girls car. And this was a girl that she was told that he was cheating on her with. Her first reaction was to follow the car to confront them. Somehow when she got out of the car to go over to the car the girl hit her with the car. She was left bleeding in the street with some of her teeth missing. Her boyfriend never got out of the car to see if she was okay and the girl kept driving. She now has undergone major dental work and still goes out with the same guy. I just don't know what it going to take to make that poor girl realize she deserves more.

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